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NGB Award Refresher

Climb Cornwall can deliver training based on the content of certain Mountain Training qualifications. We can tailor instruction to prepare you for your upcoming assessment, or bring you back up to date if you haven't been using your skills for a while.

Refresher or preparation course duration will depend on which aspects of the syllabus you wish to focus on, and how many of you are one the course.


You can download a pdf file of the latest Course Handbooks for each NGB by clicking on the icons, these include all the information Mountain Training provide about each scheme, and a detailed breakdown of the remits, syllabus and assessment criteria.


Please contact Climb Cornwall to discuss your needs for NGB Refresher or Assessment Preparation.

Indoor Climbing


Climbing Wall Award (CWA) and Abseil Module

Technical competence and personal climbing.

Supervision, instruction, coaching, and group management.

Risk assessment, problem solving and rescue techniques.


Climbing Wall Leading Award (CWLA)

Technical competence and personal leading.

Instructing lead climbing, belaying and movement skills.

Risk assessment, problem solving and rescue techniques.

Outdoor Climbing


Single Pitch Award (SPA)

Technical competence and personal climbing & abseiling.

Supervision and instruction of groups at single pitch crags.

Risk assessment, problem solving and rescue techniques.

Hill Walking


Lowland Leader & Hill and Moorland Leader (previously Walking Group Leader)

Walking, Route Finding, Navigation, Hazards and Emergency procedures.

Equipment, Group Management, Weather and background knowledge.

Expedition Skills Module

Expedition planning, equipment, food and cooking.

Training and supervising expedition groups, remote supervision.


Mountain Walking


Mountain Leader (Summer)

Technical competence and personal skills.

Navigation, group management, expedition skills, and weather.

Access, environmental and background knowledge.

Risk assessment, hazards and emergency procedures

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